UrgoStart Contact is a contact layer dressing formulated for patients at risk of delayed wound healing. The TLC - NOSF Healing Matrix helps to heal and close the wound sooner, while allowing a pain free removal during dressing change.
UrgoStart Plus Pad is a pad dressing formulated for patients at risk of delayed wound healing. The TLC - NOSF Healing Matrix helps to heal and close the wound sooner, while allowing a pain free removal during dressing change. The poly absorbent fibers trap slough and absorbs exudate, keeping a clean wound beneficial for wound healing.
UrgoTul Flex is a contact layer dressing for the local treatment of acute wounds. The TLC Healing Matrix creates and maintains a moist wound healing environment, leading to pain free dressing changes and fibroblast proliferation.
UrgoTul Silver is a contact layer dressing for the local treatment of wounds at risk or with signs of local infection. The TLC - Ag Healing Matrix helps to effectively tackle local infection, while allowing a pain free removal during dressing change.
Sterile Dressing Set is a meticulously crafted disposable dressing set designed for wound care, clinical examinations, and minor surgical preparations.